2011年4月25日 星期一

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

他不重 他是我兄弟



我覺得這張照片的故事性很強, 有興趣的人可以自行體會

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

2011年4月6日 星期三


I should write something in my blog, otherwise people will forget my interesting space. :)

Recently, I am working on writing a script in Matlab to control instruments because of measuring my SMPA.

It is so fun. Guys in IAS group have lots experience about that.

It is easier for me to know how to start and how to drive an instrument.

I control a signal generator, spectrum analyzer, power supplies and so forth with Matlab.

My script is able to measure all data and then send me a EMAIL after finishing a measurement routine.

The chip has so many cases need to be measured. (up to 90k cases)
I can't image measuring the chip manually.
Thank Renato for giving me the tips.

I don't even need to stay in the measurement room. Instead, I just sit in my office and wait results.
