2021年6月28日 星期一


這是一個抱怨文, 是幾個月前發生的事情, 投 IEEE Access 過後兩天收到回覆

Your paper was read with interest; however, proper grammar is a requirement for publication in IEEE Access and therefore we must reject.

If needed, IEEE offers a 3rd party service for language polishing, for a fee: (use the URL to claim a 10% discount). AxxHoxx !!!

不知道是哪個AH做的決定, 我老闆說他們這樣很不禮貌. 這篇論文好歹有兩個大學教授, 四個博士的共同作者看過好嘛.  寫過的論文一起加起來輕易破百篇.

後來哥火大, 跟老闆說我要做個社會實驗, 以後好來嘴砲IEEE, 隔天馬上改改template, 一模一樣投到 Electron Device, 後來被接受. 

是哪裡 Grammar有問題了? 付錢改的英文比較優美喔? 科技論文要寫英文文言文是不是?

目糾狗得賽喔, 水面這樣

然後IEEE Access 還好幾次發 Invitation 要幫忙審稿, 審你老 x 拉 

為什麼會今天突然來-8, 因為它又發審稿的invitation來了. 去旁邊給狗...拉



1. 要有信心 別聽他們放狗屁

2. 小的被拒 改投大的被接受 研討會被拒 改期刊被收 這種事情不是都市傳說

2021年6月25日 星期五

抱怨 amazon.de - complain about amazon.de delivery

 最近這陣子Amazon.de 很扣八

總是把貨品送到鄰居那邊, 明明整天都在家裡, 



我想要寫抱怨信給他們, 然後在amazon.de的網頁又多浪費了30分鐘



以後發生一次, 哥就在這邊記錄一次 他奶奶個雄


Fucking amazon.de delivery. I want to complain the delivery of amazon.de

The receiver is 100% at home all the day but the good is always always to the neighbor.  It happens many many times. Fucking amazon.de. 

Worst of all is I spend more than an hour looking for the issuing an official complain to Amazon.de but cannot find it. I used to feeling has good service of amazon but not anymore. 

Hence, I must complain in my own blog. I just want to complain about this fucking delivery of amazon,de

Next time if I want to buy something from amazon.de, I will seriously think twice. Once if I cannot find an alternative, I would consider the fucking amazon.de.