2021年6月25日 星期五

抱怨 amazon.de - complain about amazon.de delivery

 最近這陣子Amazon.de 很扣八

總是把貨品送到鄰居那邊, 明明整天都在家裡, 



我想要寫抱怨信給他們, 然後在amazon.de的網頁又多浪費了30分鐘



以後發生一次, 哥就在這邊記錄一次 他奶奶個雄


Fucking amazon.de delivery. I want to complain the delivery of amazon.de

The receiver is 100% at home all the day but the good is always always to the neighbor.  It happens many many times. Fucking amazon.de. 

Worst of all is I spend more than an hour looking for the issuing an official complain to Amazon.de but cannot find it. I used to feeling has good service of amazon but not anymore. 

Hence, I must complain in my own blog. I just want to complain about this fucking delivery of amazon,de

Next time if I want to buy something from amazon.de, I will seriously think twice. Once if I cannot find an alternative, I would consider the fucking amazon.de.  
