2018年10月22日 星期一

寫blog 是什麼? 能吃嗎?

話說小弟從早期的 2400 撥接modem 開始玩bbs到現在, 對blog, website 這種東西都不太用心, 總覺得這種不能當飯吃, 但從近幾年開始, 慢慢開始了解blog的生態, 發覺我以前錯了, 而且是錯很大, 以前不應該這麼小看社群的威力

好好寫blog確實是能當飯吃的, 千金難買早知道, 如果能早知道那就去買樂透比較快, 總之, 把我這個封塵已久的blog再拿出來,

主題會鎖定在一些宅技術, 微波, 無線通訊相關的 EDA, 新聞類的, 偶爾整理一些德文筆記.

2018年3月5日 星期一

How to embed fonts for a PDF generated from LaTex

How to embed fonts for a PDF generated from LaTex

I usually use Matlab in Linux to plot figures of which fonts however are not embedded. It always bugs me. Everytime I have to find a way to deal with this problem. This is exact the reason why I write it down here for myself.

The easiest method so far I use requires Adobe Acrobat (not reader), which is not free.

Open the PDF using Acrobat (don't use foxit or others)
File > Print> Adobe PDF
Properties > default setting > press quality
make sure to select the correct paper size (A4 or Letter)

Size option > actual size



If anyone knows a way to do it without Acrobat, please let me know.