2019年11月17日 星期日

[Keysight ADS tips] Calculate characteristic impedance (Z0) and propagation constant, (Gamma)

* to calculate characteristic impedance, Z0, of a transmission line :

simply copy and paste the following equations into ADS Data Display
Of course, you have to run S-parameter simulation in ADS schematic

* To calculate propagation constant (Gamma) of a transmission line

where TLleng is the length of the line.
Once Gamma is obtained, attenuation constant can be known as well. remember to convert the unit into dB.

Schematic is shown below. I here use ideal transmission line as an example. Of course we can replace it to a microstrip line or any s2p files such as EM simulation results.

Copy and paste the equations in Data display window:

Have fun with ADS

* for TEM mode only, lossless transmission line assumed

Pozar textbook

Wiki : Characteristic impedance,

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